
Breathe Easy and Healthy with SHARP QNET Smart Air Purifiers

We all know that the Coronavirus is airborne. Therefore, it is our responsibility to keep our indoors healthy and hygienic. Today, we dive into the magic of SHARP QNET SmartAir purifiers and what it means to breathe easy.

Often, we feel that just washing our hands or taking a bath can keep us healthy inside our house. However, this myth is entirely misunderstood. What if I told you that your home is a thriving ground for airborne viruses. Collected in room corners, a clean sweep of your entire house is not enough. We must be doing so much more!

On the contrary, direct selling companies are collaborating with leading brands for a sustainable and healthy world. As all of us know, SHARP is the leading brand making state-of-the-art air purifiers. On the other hand, QNET products offer a wide range of benefits from Nutrition to Lifestyle to Home & Living.

QNET’s partnership with SHARP to launch the SHARP QNET SmartAir purifiers is a league above others. From the latest technology to the best features, breathe easy with SHARP QNET today!

Indoor Air Quality – Your Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle

What is a healthy lifestyle? I, for one, thought I was living healthy and eating nutritious food. However, many factors contribute to a healthy living experience. For example, just as how we select our diets, maintaining hygienic indoors must be our priority. Especially if you are living with children and the elderly, a clean home is a healthy home.

Although urbanisation has offered job opportunities, it has equally impacted a healthy lifestyle. For instance, exposure to toxic chemicals, dust, and airborne allergens is inevitable. Therefore, when we come back home from work, we must consider the health of our loved ones living with us. Here is where the importance of technology comes into the picture.

Cleaning our entire house removes just a part of the dust that settles in room corners. It is time-consuming and not effective. In contrast, purchasing an air purifier can help maintain healthy humidity levels, monitor air quality and destroy harmful bacteria and viruses.

How Can I Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Is there are workaround to improve air quality at home? Yes, there are natural ways to improve indoor air quality. But, before that, let us talk about some of the benefits of hygienic indoors and the importance of house plants.

Here is a guide on how house plants can improve the quality of air indoors.

Improving Your Mood

Nothing gives a more aesthetic look to our home other than house plants. Be it your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or living area, adding plants can add beauty, comfort and health into our lives. When I think about it, there isn’t a living area that does not require hour plants. One of the important benefits of adding plants indoors is that it elevates or improves your mood. Certain plants improve air quality and offer an experience like you are in a rainforest. Therefore, other than investing in air purifiers, make sure you buy house plants to make your experience at home healthy, pure and stress-free.

Reduce Tiredness and Fatigue

Research shows that most house plants absorb toxic substances like Formaldehyde and Benzene. In addition to this, a study done at Virginia Tech shows that adding house plants can reduce dust particles to about 20%.

Plants increase oxygen levels and absorb carbon dioxide. For example, consider the living room where you sit together with your family or any space you spend your most time in. having a house plant can make a world of difference.

Purchase a house plant today and breathe easy every day!

Relief From Anxiety and Stress

Who doesn’t love to soak in nature? As humans, we have a strong connection to green surroundings. Therefore, buying house plants can purify the air, reduce stress and spread an aura of calmness. Like how we love going on treks and de-stress in nature walks, house plants can relieve us from stress and anxiety.

Therefore, considering the benefits of natural ways for hygienic indoors, purchasing house plants is healthy.

QNET Products | SHARP QNET SmartAir Purifiers

QNET, a direct selling company, has a diverse product portfolio. For example, be it skincare, health supplements, lifestyle or home & living, QNET products has it all. QNET’s partnership with SHARP, a leading brand in the home & living space, is empowering.

This section talks about the features of SHARP QNET SmartAir purifiers and the importance of a healthy lifestyle during a pandemic.

SHARP QNET Plasmacluster Technology

What is Plasmacluster technology? Before jumping into purchasing an air purifier, you must focus on features and how it affects your lifestyle.

Developed in 2000, Plasmacluster technology in an air purifier emits positive and negative ions, resulting in clean and fresh air. The Plasmacluster technology in SHARP QNET SmartAir purifiers removes allergens, bacteria and airborne viruses from the room.

Therefore, breathe easy and get your SHARP QNET Smart Air Purifier today!

What is a HEPA Filter?

HEPA, an acronym for “High Efficiency Particulate Air” is a mechanical air filter. A HEPA filter can eliminate about 99.97% dust, pollen, pet dander, mold and bacteria.

In addition to the Plasmacluster technology, the SHARP QNET SmartAir purifiers come with an integrated HEPA filter that eliminates microscopic allergens as small as 0.3 microns along with airborne viruses and dust particles.

Get yours today from the QNET eStore!

IoT Feature in SHARP QNET Air Purifiers

Technology plays a vital role in the performance of any air purifier. The SHARP QNET SmartAir Purifier comes with IoT technology, which helps you configure the device to your smartphone using a Wi-Fi connection.

Once configured, the IoT functionality helps you monitor the SmartAir purifier from anywhere using the SHARP Air application on your phone. Incredible, isn’t it? You now know your home is secured right at your fingertips!

Get your SHARP QNET air purifier today!

Living in a time gripped by a global pandemic can be extremely challenging. As we are forced to the safety of our homes, indoor air quality must be our priority. Nonetheless, asthma and other respiratory illnesses are caused due to dust and allergens present indoors.

The SHARP QNET SmartAir purifier is the best in the market. It can help protect yourself from asthma, the dangerous Coronavirus, allergies and respiratory diseases.

Wish the best for your family, purchase QNET products and breathe easy with SHARP QNET SmartAir purifiers!


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