QNET taking action

This is for all those who are saying that QNET is a fraud or does illegal work. I would like you to read the title of my article again. QNET has kicked out 409 of its IRs/Distributers as they were not following due procedure and policies that every QNET IR/distributer is bound to follow. Out of these 409, 31 are Indian IRs.

QNET is a multinational company with its offices in more than 50 countries. It has achieved many great milestones and it would not have been possible unless all of its distributers worked hard. It is really disheartening to see people calling our company a scam or a fraud. I simply don’t understand how people can blame the company when some fraudulent people posing as IRs are trying to scam people. People are supposed to do their research and ask questions. All of these people who allege that they have been scammed, have one thing in common they do not ask for any IR IDs or any authorization per say. How can you simply believe someone to be a part of a company unless they show you their ID card or any identification?

As it is said “One bad apple rots the whole lot”. Few of these corrupt IRs are ruining the good name of our company. What’s worse is that people are blaming the company for this and not these fools who thought they could get away with all of this.

These 409 IRs who were let go are from 22 different countries. Countries like Turkey, India, Malaysia etc.

I believe that when working for a company or running your own business, you should be true to yourself and your work. Unless you do that, there is no point for you to be doing your own business. My grandad used to say, money earned in a wrongful manner would always haunt you. These people who scammed these innocent souls and blamed it on the company, will definitely have a hard time bouncing back to reality and dealing with it.

I don’t understand how do these people sleep at night knowing that they have done such horrible thing and have hurt people. I know this is turning more into a rant than an article, but it is true. We have been suffering in and out and our company’s name is getting dragged in the mud because of these few little people who are born and brought up without any principles. People dare question the validity and basis of our company, which has done nothing wrong and yet has to deal with the consequences.

Summing up this Rant+Article, I’d just like to put a point/idea forth -When someone sells you a defective product, say a watch, do you blame the person or the company? It’s not QNET who is at fault, it’s the person who is at fault. QNET is now doing the necessary thing by terminating these people and I hope these actions leave QNET out of controversies.

Read My article What is QNET?

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