How to Build Consistency in Direct Selling

When John Maxwell said “Consistency is key”, he wasn’t lying.

When we start a business, we start it keeping an objective in mind; the main aim. And we look for ways to achieve our goals and look for the most efficient ways to attain success. There is a lot that goes into running a business. You have to establish an efficient team, a loyal network, build your marketing strategies and much more. Yet, there is one thing that strengthens every other aspect of your business – Consistency.

Consistency is the one fundamental aspect that runs deep throughout your business operations. It is the very thing that can ensure long-term success, or any success at all. You could have the most powerful and effective business strategies at hand, but if you don’t execute them with consistency, then they won’t hold any value. If you fail to be consistent with your business operations, it will dilute all of your efforts to achieve anything significant, making them futile.

A success is direct selling is contingent to the hard work, persistence and patience you harbor, and being consistent enables you to exercise the other qualities as well. Practicing consistency can be an asset for your direct selling business because all the benefits it brings you. It helps you to gain trust, generate sales, accelerate the business’s efficiency and gives an overall momentum to your business.

Thus, evidently, consistency is an essential ingredient for your direct selling business and the underlying secret to success. However, although consistency is such an integral part of business success, it is the somehow the hardest quality for people to adopt. Whether it is a new years’ resolution, a fitness regime or effective business sales, we all tend to fall short in these areas because we lack the one thing it requires the most, which is consistency. Let’s discuss a few ways that you can maintain and build consistency in your business to achieve the best results!

4 Ways to Maintain Consistency in Business

1. Make a Commercial Plan

a book with planning written on its pages

The foremost step in achieving consistency in business is to establish an efficient plan for your business. The plan you derive will help in defining your vision, goals, objectives along with the strategies required to achieve those goals. By making a definite path for your business, you will be able to align your mindset in accordance to the journey. It will allow you to determine what steps you have to take. This will help you understand how consistent you would have to be to achieve your business goals. The main task is to draw out an effective routine that can ensure the steps in the business cycle take place. Like any business, you will also encounter different circumstances which will not as per you plan, and this would force you to readjust certain aspects of it. However, your ultimate goals and business direction should remain constant.

2. Start Segmenting Your Work

a direct saleswoman sitting on her work-table smiling

Most of us have a rather problematic tendency to keep things for the final moment. A presentation, an assignment or even laundry. This procrastinating habit can easily lead us to feeling overwhelmed and helpless, especially when we analyze about the workload we have. Instead of overthinking about your work and paving the way for a potential burn-out or worse – give up entirely, you can learn to segment your work into smaller parts.

By breaking down your work into mini-tasks and systemizing your day-to-day operations, you can solely focus on the task at hand and will be able to perform it efficiently. In doing so, you can proficiently finish your mini-tasks and build consistency in your business. As you focus on moving towards finish each task, you’ll be able to quickly reach your goals without being sidetracked. You’ll also prevent the feelings of procrastination or hopelessness to seep in and hinder your growth.

3. Track your Goals

keeping track of goals in a book

When you segment your work into smaller goals and get on the path to achieve them, you should also ensure that you are keeping a track of your goals. Tracking your progress and the things you’ve accomplished, no matter how big or small, will build your consistency. When you see how far you’ve come from your starting point, it will encourage you to keep going and reach your end goal faster. You can keep track of your milestones with the number of products you’ve sold or the size of the network you’ve grown. This will further spark your sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated towards your goals.

4. Practice Accountability

a girl holding her hand up in accomplishment - consistency is key

When you have a direct selling business, you alone are responsible for its success and failure. Since you are your own boss, you have to hold yourself accountable for your business efforts. Having accountability helps you realize that you are in charge of your attaining your goals, it makes you more observant of your actions and your work. Furthermore, it will allow you to review and analyze your work as well. Due to this, you will be able to stay more committed to your goals. When you hold yourself accountable, you will refuse to get sidetracked, distracted or put your mind into unproductive activities. Thereby, working more efficiently and consistently.

To conclude, these steps will help you build consistency in your direct selling business. The catch with consistency is that you might not be able to see the results immediately. However, the cumulative effect of practicing consistency will bring you unfathomable success in the long-run, leaving you surprised by the outcomes of your hard work.






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