Importance of Clean Drinking Water

The world celebrated World Water Day on March 22nd as a reminder of the importance of clean drinking water. While I might be late to the party, it is never too late to talk about the importance of clean drinking water. Clean drinking water is not a luxury but a basic human right, as noted by the United Nations. However, the sad truth remains that a portion of the world still does not have access to clean drinking water. In fact, in 2020, almost 74% of the world population had access to a safely managed water source that gave them clean drinking water. One in four people do not have access to clean drinking water, and these statistics are always changing due to the increasing water scarcity and pollution. Even when water sources are available for people, they can be contaminated for a number of reasons. Therefore, it is now more important than ever to make sure that you and your family have access to clean drinking water.

Dangers Hidden in Our Drinking Water

How to Protect Yourself from Lead-Contaminated Water | NRDC


The problem of water scarcity and improving global access to clean drinking water is not something an individual can solve. While there are many ways to help improve water quality and reduce water waste, it is important to make sure that your family and loved ones get the cleanest and purest drinking water. But this can be harder said than done. Even in cities and towns that have access to ‘clean’ drinking water, there can be many hidden impurities and chemicals that can make your drinking water less than ideal. These impurities can not only affect the taste and feel of the water but can also lead to many health issues, both short term and long term. These dangers in drinking water can include

Dissolved minerals

While some minerals in your drinking water are desirable and, in fact, healthy, most people’s drinking water has too many dissolved minerals in them. While some of them are ok and do not react with the body, certain kinds of minerals, especially heavy metals, can have a negative effect on the human body. Common dangerous minerals dissolved in water can include anything from heavy metals like cadmium, manganese, lead, arsenic to lesser concerning compounds like calcium salts. These heavy metals are particularly concerning as they can lead to a number of major health concerns over the long run. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your water is free of any kinds of dissolved minerals.

Microorganisms and pathogens

While the advent of antibiotics has made the dangers of diseases like cholera and malaria, it is still a growing cause of concern in many countries. Similarly, there are other microbes and organisms that can be transmitted through water that can cause major health issues.

Suspended Particles

And now, let’s talk about the most common but least concerning water contaminant- suspended particles. While suspended particles are not a huge detriment to health, it is also not ideal in your drinking water.

Gift your family clean drinking water with MyHomePlus Water Purifiers

Water Purifiers have become an absolute must, even in urban environments with treated water supplies. And like always, QNET India has some of the best water purifiers that money can buy. QNET India, with its collaboration with Cuckoo, has brought two of the best water purifiers that money can buy with the MyHomePlus KNIGHT ALKALINE RO and MyHomePlus DELIGHT ALKALINE NANO water purifiers.


MyHomePlus Knight Alkaline RO Water Purifier gives you clean drinking water

MyHomePlus KNIGHT ALKALINE RO and MyHomePlus DELIGHT ALKALINE NANO are two of the best water purifiers that money can buy, and each comes with its own special features. MyHomePlus Knight ALKALINE RO uses Reverse Osmosis (RO), one of the best methods for the removal of dissolved particles, organic and inorganic compounds, as well as contaminants from your drinking water. It also has the world’s first In and Out sterilisation mechanism that ensures better and more efficient water purification. It also allows for the purification of water without the removal of essential minerals at homes with TDS levels more than 500 ppm.

The advanced RO membrane can also ensure 99.9% water purification and remove heavy metals, bacteria and harmful water-borne contaminants, while the Mineraliser filter adds minerals like Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium to give you healthier, tastier drinking water.


MyHomePlus DELIGHT Alkaline Nano Water Purifier gives you clean drinking water

MyHomePlus DELIGHT ALKALINE NANO is a similarly effective and efficient water purifier from QNET India. But what makes MyHomePlus DELIGHT ALKALINE NANO so unique is its Nanofilteration technology and that it keeps water wastage to absolute zero. While normal water purifiers waste as much as 70% of the water that it uses, the MyHomePlus DELIGHT ALKALINE NANO’s liquid-phase separation technology does not waste any water. It also removes 99.9% of pathogens and other contaminants, including the Norovirus. Its activated carbon filters can remove chlorine and VOCs from water, while the Alkali-mineraliser filter adds essential minerals and balance the pH levels to give you healthier, tastier drinking water. MyHomePlus DELIGHT ALKALINE NANO water purifier also comes with the In and Out sterilisation technology, making it a great buy for anyone looking to improve their health.

Water purifiers have become an absolute necessity these days. And you can never go wrong with these two water purifiers from QNET India and Cuckoo. If you want to learn more about them, head to the QNET India website today!




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