
NMR tested Honey from Nutriplus

Honey is one of the most widely consumed foods. It is a nutritious source of nourishment with numerous health benefits. Many vendors now claim to provide pure and natural honey. Adulterations in impure honey lessen the value of its advantages. It can also lead to persistent health problems in some circumstances. That is why you should always choose NMR tested honey from QNET Nutriplus!

It is critical to select the best honey source. The best honey is NMR tested honey since its purity is validated by an advanced test with 100 per cent accuracy. In this essay, we will look at how to tell if honey is impure. We will also discuss the significance of the NMR test and highlight one of the greatest honey sources from Nutriplus by QNET India.

Honey is widely available, and every supplier promises that honey is pure and natural. However, according to a recent study by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), most honey sources are unclean. According to the research, the majority of them contain cheap sugar syrup adulterants derived from C3 plants (wheat, beet, and rice) and C4 plants (sugar and corn syrup).

Consuming contaminated honey poses a significant risk. It is critical for them to verify the label and comprehend the procedure used to create honey in order to avoid drinking contaminated or adulterated honey. Otherwise, there is a great risk that they would consume low-quality honey that has been adulterated.

How do you check the Purity of Honey?

The use of vinegar is one of the most common methods for determining the purity of honey at home. A few drops of vinegar mixed with a little honey can demonstrate its cleanliness. If the mixture becomes frothy, the honey is most likely tainted.

A water test can also be used to determine its purity. Take a small amount of water and combine it with a few splotches of honey. Pure honey is difficult to dissolve. Impure honey, on the other hand, dissolves easily and leaves a white trail when mixed with sucrose and glucose.

The heat test is another approach that many do. The procedure entails placing a small amount of honey in a cotton wick and igniting it. If it burns with a pure flame, it is pure honey. If it burns unevenly, honey may be contaminated by moisture and fermentation, lowering its quality.

All of these tests are rapid and can determine whether honey is pure. However, these tests are not always reliable. This necessitates the development of a very reliable test for determining the quality of honey. NMR is the most reliable technique for determining the purity of honey. Let’s learn more about this important technique!

What is NMR testing?

NMR is an abbreviation for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance test. It is a sophisticated test for scanning and determining the purity of honey. It is the gold standard method for detecting adulteration and confirming the authenticity of honey. Spectroscopy is carried out in German and French laboratories.

Honey Profiling is at the heart of modern technology. The test is carried out after data from thousands of samples from around the world has been collected. Data is gathered based on many aspects such as location, flora types, and so on. The vast size database ensures that all adulterants are detected, and that honey comes from a pure source.

The NMR laboratories have a comprehensive database of monofloral and multifloral plant species. The origin is determined further by bee pollen analysis. Geographical data, along with a big database of probable adulterants, makes the purity test particularly credible.

As a result, NMR is recognised as the “fingerprint” test for determining adulteration. It detects incorrect declarations of the botanical and geographical provenance of honey. The NMR test detects a variety of errors, including ultrafiltration of honey, processing unripe honey, and so on. In essence, an NMR test is an absolute necessity for reducing honey adulteration.

NMR Tested Nutriplus MonoFloral Honey From QNET India

Nutriplus Monofloral Honey is one of the greatest options for those looking for pure and natural honey. It has been NMR checked and is 100% legit. This signifies that it is a nutrient-dense food free of all adulterants. It is derived from a single type of flora. Mineral content is higher in monofloral honey. In fact, it is about twice as much as multifloral honey.

Nutriplus Monofloral honey has numerous health benefits. It possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics that aid in the prevention and treatment of allergies. These qualities also aid in the relief of coughs and colds. Honey is also a great source of energy. A tablespoon of honey mixed with water or lime juice might provide a surge of energy.

Furthermore, honey aids in the treatment of digestive disorders such as bloating, stomach ulcers, constipation, and diarrhoea. Its antibacterial qualities have been used to treat dandruff. Nutriplus honey can also aid in improving metabolism and immunity.

Honey is also thought to be an excellent weight-loss aid. It smoothly substitutes for sugar and minimises its consumption. Honey mixed with lukewarm water can aid in weight loss. Another significant advantage is that it monitors diabetes. Diabetes is a disorder that many children get at an early age. The low glycemic index of Nutriplus honey prevents sugar levels from rising. As a result, it can help manage and minimise the risk of diabetes.

Nutriplus MonoFloral Honey Variants

Nutriplus Monofloral honey comes in five delectable variants: Mustard, Karanj, Moringa, Coriander, and Sheesham! The mustard variety is derived from a single species of flora known as Brassica juncea. The nectar collected by bees from Millettia pinnata, also known as Pongamia, is used to make the Karanj variation.

Moringa honey is made from bees’ nectar collected from the blossoms of the Moringa oleifera tree. Coriander and Sheesham variations are derived from bee nectar gathered from Coriandrum sativum (Dhaniya) and Dalbergia sissoo (Indian rosewood). Each variety has a distinct flavour and scent. The silky texture is a lovely experience that goes well with all of our favourite foods and beverages!

Benefits of Nutriplus Monofloral Honey

  • NMR testing was performed to ensure complete purity and authenticity.
  • Antibacterial and antifungal characteristics for treating skin disorders, allergies, and dandruff, among other things.
  • Anti-inflammatory qualities hasten wound healing.
  • Cough and cold relief
  • Aids in the treatment of diarrhoea, constipation, and other stomach problems.
  • It aids in weight management and diabetic control, as well as overall immunity.

Experience NMR Tested Nutriplus Monofloral Honey

When ingested in its pure and natural form, honey is extremely helpful to our health. Adulterants in impure honey can deplete all of its health benefits and potentially cause serious health problems. The NMR test is critical for confirming that honey supplies are pure. It is a critical step in ensuring that our honey has not been tampered with or treated with adulterants.

It is crucial to note that because Nutriplus Monofloral honey is fully natural, it gives all of these benefits. The NMR test performed in German and French labs by their Indian counterparts confirms its legitimacy. Overall, it is one of the purest and healthy honey sources available to QNET India clients.

When choosing a brand of honey to buy, it is important to only trust NMR tested honey! So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET India eStore and get your pack of NMR tested honey with Nutriplus Monofloral Honey!


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