
Winter Nutrition: Nutriplus Supplements Essential for Winter

With chilly winds and foggy mornings making us put on our best-knit sweaters and jackets, it’s easy to say that the winter season is here. The winter season can be wonderful. However, with the temperature dropping and the sun hibernating for days on end, the season can have a significant impact on our health.

How Does Winter Impact our Health?

The most apparent reason for health problems is the lack of sunshine and the increase in viruses and bugs like the flu which increase in transmission due to the cold, arid weather. The sun, which we tend to take for granted, provides us with immense physical and mental well-being. Hence, its lack thereof can pave the way for some nutrient deficit that is critical to keep high for the winter months. Additionally, we tend to spend most of our time indoors during the winter, which can further add to the risk of being infected with colds, flu, and other contagious illnesses. Thus, it is important that we take extra care of our health during such vulnerable times.

While many of us can strengthen our health and fulfil our quota of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals by consuming properly balanced meals and exercising, there are a lot of people who don’t find the time and resources to do so and struggle to eat healthily due to a busy lifestyle. Regardless, it is still important that we take the right measures to keep our health and immune system in their best form. One of the most effective ways to ensure that your body is receiving the nutrients it needs and functioning at its best when there is a nutritional deficiency is through taking nutritional supplements.

Although food is the foremost and optimal method of gaining all the necessary nutrients, supplements are a solid second.

The Importance of Nutritional Supplements

In a perfect world, we all would achieve optimal health by eating the right kind of food, getting 8+ hours of sleep, exercising enough and staying hydrated. However, this isn’t the case in the realistic, busy, chaotic world we live in. This is where nutritional supplements come in. Most of our diets, especially if you aren’t the health freak who treats their body like a temple, mostly contain refined carbs, sugars and elements lacking in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This can lead to many key nutrient deficiencies that are needed to prevent chronic illnesses and achieve effective bodily functions.

Benefits of Nutritional Supplements

Thus, taking nutritional supplements gives your body all the necessary elements it needs to achieve its best form. It bridges the nutritional gap in your body, which can enhance the nutrient density in your diet. Nutritional supplements ensure that you are receiving the right amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are tailored to your dietary requirements. They also help in managing weight loss, improving age-related cognitive abilities, lowering the less of chronic illnesses and improving your health as a whole.

Additionally, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us have become aware of the importance of having an optimal immune system and overall health, which has paved the way for increasing demand for nutritional supplements. Essential nutrients such as fatty acids, linoleic acids, amino acids and essential vitamins and minerals were proven to improve the performance of the immune system. Thus, in the last three, the effects of the pandemic also aggrandized the importance of nutritional supplements.

There are certain nutritional supplements that can be more beneficial for the body during different seasons in order to meet with their corresponding nutritional requirements. Here are a few best nutritional supplements you should bundle up on this winter season.

7 Important Nutritional Supplements You Should Take in Winter

The winter season carries in itself a bevy of underlying viruses and colds which can be prevented if you build your immune system. The following supplements can help build your immune system and improve your overall health to fight against the cold spells of the frosty weather.

1. Vitamin C & Zinc

Vitamin C is easily one of the most important micronutrients that offer endless benefits for your body. From protecting the systems in the body and helping fight off pathogens to protecting gums and improving skin health, vitamin C is truly the jack of all trades. It is an antioxidant that helps the body fight off oxidative stress. A deficiency of vitamin C can affect the immune system. Thereby, it increases the body’s susceptibility to contagious illnesses which are more prevalent in winter seasons. Thus, vitamin C is an especially potent nutrient to protect your body and boost immunity in the winter.

Zinc, too, is crucial for every cellular function. It helps in building metabolism, cell division and growth, and it is vital for maintaining immune health. It is also a key component in gut health. Additionally, Zinc also has a role in reducing the duration and severity of a cold

Nutriplus ImmunHealth

The Nutriplus ImmunHealth is an effective nutritional supplement that is rich in Vitamin C and Zinc Gluconate, among other clinically proven ingredients and micronutrients which cater to balancing the immune function efficiently. Nutriplus strives to ensure sustainability through its products. Thus, it’s free from any synthetic fillers, additives, sugars, starch, gluten or other synthetic preservatives. It contains the goodness of Aloe Vera, Guduchi Satwa, Echinacea and Papaya Leaf Extract, which is a rich source of vitamins C and A. Furthermore, it is infused with a plethora of micronutrients and amino acids. Hence, due to all of its beneficial components, the ImmunHealth can be an effective nutritional winter supplement to boost your immune system and improve your body’s overall vitality.

2. Vitamin D and Magnesium

Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin”, is another popular nutrient essential for optimal body functioning. It is a vital player in various functions of a healthy body. It caters to calcium absorption, boosting immunity, healthy cell growth, reducing inflammation, proper neuromuscular function and, most importantly, bone development. Vitamin D and Magnesium play a significant role in keeping our bones and muscles healthy. However, due to the lack of sunshine and vitamin D-rich foods, we miss out on a whole lot of crucial vitamins for the body. This can contribute to seasonal affective disorder, muscle weakness, fatigue and sluggishness – all common things that we experience in winter. Hence, taking a vitamin D supplement in winter should be essential.

Additionally, magnesium supplements can also support our muscles, nerve function and energy production, which is crucial during the colder seasons. From controlling blood sugar, muscle cramps and energy production to managing your weight and mood, magnesium has an important role in the optimal functioning of your body.

Nutriplus BoneHealth

Since a lack of vitamin D and magnesium can severely affect the bone health in the body, it is important to take supplements that cater to the problem. QNET’s Nutriplus BoneHealth is just the right supplement that is infused with the essential nutrients that work towards promoting bone health. The supplement is rich in calcium, magnesium, Zinc, vitamin C and of course, vitamin D. It helps in healthy muscle and nerve functions and improves the uptake and utilization of calcium in the body.

3. Probiotics

Since 70% of the immune system is located in the gut, it would be a good guess that a healthy gut can significantly improve your immune system. The benefit of having a healthy gut is central to your overall health. The winter season is the time for numerous festivities that call for a variety of rich foods. Such food can leave your digestive system in a place of disarray and your gut microbiome imbalanced. Once your gut health is impaired, it can consequently weaken your immune system. Thereby making you more prone to being infected with illnesses.

 Thus, it is imperative to take utmost care of your gut health. The best way to do that is by including probiotics in your diet. Probiotics allow your body to welcome good bacteria. The good bacterium helps in fighting off infections and ensure a balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Furthermore, probiotics also help in reducing the incidences, severity and duration of colds and flu.

Nutriplus GutHealth

QNET’s Nutriplus GutHealth is an excellent probiotic that contains five species of good bacteria. This good bacterium helps in boosting an overall healthy gut environment. It caters to the better absorption and utilization of nutrients, improves bowel movements and stimulates the immune response. It also helps in stabilizing gastrointestinal conditions. When we have an imbalance of good bacteria or an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, it can make us more prone to getting infected. Thus, a good probiotic supplement, such as the Nutriplus GutHealth, can be the key to staying healthy in winter.

4. Vitamin E

During winters, the troubling combination of the cold outdoor air and dry indoor heat can make our skin sore, dry, flaky and itchy. This can be harmful to the skin’s protective barrier. The dry weather can dehydrate your skin, making it look duller and more prone to irritation. It can further bring about dullness and excessive dryness to the hair and lead to chapped lips. Vitamin E can help in combating winter skin woes effectively. It is a powerful nutrient which promotes healthy skin by protecting cells from free-radical damage. The supplement has immense moisturizing properties, which can help reduce dryness from the skin. It also helps in retaining the skin’s moisture to prevent any water loss and keeping the skin protected, moisturized and soft. The skin-loving vitamin also helps in decreasing skin inflammation, redness and wrinkles as well.

Nutriplus SkinHealth

Nutriplus SkinHealth is an efficient skin supplement that can eliminate all your winter skin blues effectively. The potent supplement contains the goodness of 3 exceedingly beneficial skin-boosting ingredients, namely, white germ oil, lycopene and the, best of all, vitamin E. Since the supplement is rich in Vitamin E, it helps treat dryness. It also builds resistance against skin inflammation and helps fight against free radicals – which are the common skin troubles in winter. Aside from that, it also targets dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and acne and promotes detoxification and anti-ageing effects. Enriched with phytonutrients, antioxidants and primarily, Vitamin E, Nutriplus SkinHealth offers beneficial hydration for the skin and boosts your overall skin health.

To conclude, these are a few essential nutritional supplements that you must take during the winter season. These supplements will allow you to effectively combat any potential illnesses as well as to ensure your overall health. It is important to remember that supplements won’t necessarily cure all your ailments on their own. You still require good nutrition, sleep and exercise as a healthy foundation. Winter can be a magical, joy-filled time. However, it is still important to take precautionary measures to ensure a healthy you, and nothing says precaution like supplements. So, with the impressive Nutriplus supplements, give your body the extra care and nutrition it needs this winter season.  



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