Taking Care of your Kinnari Jewellery

Anyone who owns a Kinnari jewellery set will know how important it is to them and have a wish to take care of it. While diamonds are forever, it is important to take care of them and maintain them if you want to keep them shining and in peak condition.

Cleaning your Kinnari Diamond locket and earrings

Kinnari diamond lockets and earrings are designed to be long lasting and to be worn daily. It also means that proper care of your Kinnari diamond locket and rings is crucial. Your Kinnari diamond jewellery will be exposed to oil and dirt that can reduce its brilliance and lustre. Therefore, it is important to use a jewellery cleaner or baking soda to clean your diamonds.

Using Jewellery Cleaner

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The best and most efficient means of cleaning your Kinnari diamond jewellery set is with the use of a jewellery cleaner. There are many brands of high-quality jewellery cleaner that one can buy from the market or from a jeweller. Soak your Kinnari diamond jewellery in your jewellery cleaner according to the instruction on its label.

Using Baking Soda

A simple and household method of keeping your jewellery, including diamond jewellery is to clean it with the use of baking soda. Just mix a cup of hot water with 1 or 2 teaspoon baking soda and leave your Kinnari diamond jewellery in it for a few minutes. Rinse it and pat dry with a clean cloth to get your diamond necklace and earring in spotless condition. Alternatively, you can use a paste of quarter cup baking soda and a couple of tablespoons of water. Apply the paste on your diamond jewellery and clean it with a cloth or brush.

Keeping your Kinnari Diamond locket and earrings shining

Removing dust and grim is just one part of taking care of your diamond jewellery and keeping it in perfect condition. The next step is to assure that it retains its shine and brilliance.

With Club Soda

A simple technique from Reader’s Digest to keep your diamond jewellery shining and brilliant is by soaking it in a glass of club soda overnight. Your Kinnari Diamond jewellery will be sparkling and shining again in the morning.

Using Baking soda

Cleaning with baking soda: 12 things to clean with baking soda | Homes &  Gardens |

Baking soda can also be used to improve its shine and lustre. Make a paste of baking soda like mentioned above and rinse it with vinegar.

Use Toothpaste

Toothpaste has a number of benefits in and around the house. And one of it is as a jewellery cleaner. Use a bit of old, soft toothbrush to scrub your Kinnari Diamond jewellery with toothpaste. Rinse and pat dry with a cloth to leave your diamonds sparkling like your teeth.

With Vodka! Yes, Vodka!

Although it might surprising, vodka can also be used to clean any type of jewellery, including your Kinnari diamond set. Just place your diamond set in a cup of vodka for a few minutes and pat it dry for to return its natural shine.

Daily care for Diamond Jewellery

You can extend the shine and life of your diamond jewellery with daily care. It can keep your jewellery free from scratches and damage.

Separate your Kinnari Diamond jewellery from other jewellery

Keeping your Kinnari diamond jewellery in its original box is the easiest and the first step in taking care of it. Alternatively, you can keep it wrapped in soft tissue paper or a specially made jewellery pouch.

Limit exposure to other cosmetics

Cosmetics products like perfume, hairspray etc. can build up on top of your jewellery and cause it to lose its appearance. Therefore, it is important to keep your Kinnari diamond jewellery away from the bathroom shelves and places where it can be exposed to cosmetic products.

Brush your diamonds

Regularly brushing your Kinnari diamond set with a soft-bristled brush can keep it clean and shining for a long. Soak your diamond set in ammonia or other cleaning substance and use a soft-bristled brush to remove any leftover dust and particles. The back of the diamond can be especially dirty. But remember to be gentle.

Handle your diamond with care

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Diamonds are the hardest substance known to humankind. But it does not mean that they can be handled without care. After cleaning your diamond jewellery, only use soft, lint-free cloths or tissue paper to wipe it clean. The metal used in the diamond settings can also be damaged or get eroded due to chemicals.

Protect your diamond

Remove your diamond when doing hard work like gardening and cleaning to prevent if from getting dirty. Chemicals like chlorine can also cause damage to your jewellery, so does sharp blows, sunlight and extreme temperature.

Kinnari- Royal Collection

The Kinnari Royal Collection from QNET is the personification of luxury and magnificence. Its intricate designs and high-quality diamonds define elegance and are made specifically with modern women in mind.

The Kinnari Royal Collection includes stunning designs like the Kinnari Nila, Kinnari Mihika, Kinnari Ayana and Kinnari Utara, making it the diamond jewellery of every girl’s dream. So head on to the QNET India eStore and buy your loved ones the perfect expression of style and passion.

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