
Ways To Use Pure Nutriplus Honey In Your Daily Routine

Most of us use pure honey as a topping for our food, but in reality, the uses and benefits of honey are so much more. Pure honey entails numerous benefits for the body and mind which make it one of the most versatile condiments to have. It is packed with several beneficial nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and is devoid of any fat, sodium and other unhealthy elements. Its high nutritional value has made it a touted home remedy for people and has been a part of traditional medicinal practice for eons. From enhancing the taste of your morning tea to being a preventive medicine for cancer, this liquid gold can do it all. Due to its sterling reputation, you might always find a bottle of honey holding a permanent position on your kitchen shelf, but are you using it to its full potential?

Pure honey can have exceptional uses in your day-to-day life, let’s find how you can include honey and make the most out of it in your daily routine!

Ways To Use Pure Honey in Your Daily Routine

1. A Healthier Substitute for Sugar

Sugar is one of the most prominent causes of many health ailments. An excessive intake of sugar can lead to higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes and fatty liver disease. In more severe cases, these ailments can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Thus, sugar, although being so commonly used, acts as a catalyst for an unhealthy lifestyle.

Pure, raw honey can be a suitable and healthier substitute for sugar. As opposed to sugar, honey contains a lower glycemic index, which measures how quickly a food raises blood sugar levels. This means that it can be a better sugar alternative for people with diabetes or anyone trying to manage their blood sugar levels. Since honey is also packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it can contribute to overall health. You can replace sugar with pure Nutriplus Monofloral Honey to enhance the taste of your dishes and improve your health simultaneously.

2. A Refreshing Morning Drink

Start your mornings with a warm cup of water with honey for a healthier and rejuvenated mind and body. Drinking honey water encompasses several benefits for your overall wellbeing. It helps in detoxifying the body, eliminating toxins and facilitates the digestive system, kidneys and livers in improving their respective functions. It also boasts a reputation of aiding weight loss. Honey has amino acids, vitamins and minerals which can help in the absorption of fats and cholesterol, thereby reducing weight.

Lastly, a consistent consumption of honey water can also help in boosting immunity. The enzymes, vitamins and minerals present in honey protect against harmful bacteria and eliminate free radicals from the body. Thus, including warm water with honey in your daily routine can ensure that you wake up with a rejuvenated mind, purified body and a robust immunity.

3. A Facial Mask for Moisturized Skin

In recent times, using honey as a skin hack has been increasingly popular in the natural skincare community, and justifiably so. Honey is packed with anti-oxidants, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties which make it an effective remedy for attaining radiant, glowing skin. It is a natural humectant which helps in deeply hydrating and moisturizing the skin. When applied topically, honey helps in significantly reducing inflammatory skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, etc. Due to its natural antioxidant content, honey also helps in reducing the signs of pre-mature aging. It helps to ward off free radicals and binds moisture into the skin. Additionally, honey also helps in reducing the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation, and brightening a dull complexion.

In medical settings, honey is widely used to treat burns by promoting the healing of damaged tissues due to its anti-inflammatory properties. This same property also allows it to be a great solution for treating sunburns. Pure honey can promote skin cell regeneration while also moisturizing and clarifying the skin, which makes it an essential part of your skincare regimen. You can use a honey mask every day with other skin-soothing ingredients to reveal glowing skin and promote skin health naturally.

4. An Effective Hair Conditioner

Living up to its name of being a versatile ingredient, honey also acts an effective conditioner for dry, brittle hair. When applied to the hair and scalp, honey provides immense hydration to the hair, making it moisturized and soft. It works as an emollient, effectively conditioning the hair and scalp. It also helps in locking in the moisture due to its humectant properties.

Honey is a powerhouse of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to this, it also helps to fight and prevent dandruff, which is often caused by bacteria or fungi. It helps in preventing hair breakage, increases shine and strengthens the hair follicle, thereby aiding in hair growth. Overall, honey is an excellent addition to your hair-care routine to have soft, shiny hair. You can use it as a weekly treatment by making a custom hair mask that is suitable for your hair needs.

Nutriplus Monofloral Honey


Although honey is an exceedingly beneficial food, it is important that the quality of the honey you use is completely pure and raw in nature.  Nutriplus Monofloral Honey boasts of completely purity and authenticity in their quality – as nature intended it to be. They are NMR tested, being free from all of kinds of adulterants, pesticides, additives, etc. And are 100% pure and natural. Bearing its name, the Nutriplus Monofloral Honey variants are extracted from a single flower and are thus, rich in nutrients and enzymes that offer the benefits given above, and much more. The three variants of Nutriplus Monofloral Honey are – Karanj Honey, Mustard Honey and Sheesham Honey. All three variants ensure complete purity with the highest quality standards and are packed with numerous nutritional properties.

To conclude, the many therapeutic properties of honey can be the aid to all your ailments and boost your immunity efficiently. With so many benefits under its belt, honey truly is the nature’s gift that keeps on giving. So what are you waiting for? Head to the QNET e-store and get your pack of pure Nutriplus Monofloral Honey to add to your daily routine.






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