Healthy Liver for a Happy Life | Nutriplus LivHealth

A healthy liver is very important if you want to lead a healthy life. It is one of those organs in the body that does a myriad of functions and is absolutely essential for a healthy life. But the sad truth is that many of the habits that we have today have drastically affected the liver health of people. And no, you do not have to drink a drop of alcohol to damage your liver. The modern diet filled with sugar is more than enough to damage it. For instance, the high carb and sugar diet that many of us follow are more than enough to put your liver at risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver.

But the good news is that there are many things that can be done to ensure that your liver is healthy and free of damage. From a better lifestyle to health supplements, these few tips can help you improve your liver health and to lead a happy life. While it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself, it is always better to start at the earliest. This is especially true when it comes to your liver, as the liver tissue cannot repair itself if it goes through too much damage.

Maintain a healthy weight

weight loss for healthy liver

One of the fastest-growing forms of liver disease is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. If you are obese or even somewhat overweight, your chances of developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease drastically go up. While there is no cure or medication for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, weight loss and a healthy diet can help reduce its impact and reverse the damage to some extent. Using sugar substitutes like Nutriplus Natose stevia can also help improve your health.

Healthy diet for a healthy liver

Having a healthy diet is one of the best and most effective things that one can do to improve your overall health. This is also true for your liver. Today’s diet is mostly filled with carbs and sugar, and this can lead to drastic health effects. The liver is the organ associated with processing sugar.

As a general rule of thumb, avoid foods that are high in calories but low on nutrients. These include processed food items, refined carbs like those in white bread, pasta, etc. and refined fats. Add fibre in the form of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet and use good fats like the Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise can help your liver

Regular exercise can help in burning triglycerides in your body and keeping your liver healthy.

Avoid Toxins of all kinds

The liver is also the organ that takes care of all the toxins that you introduce to your body. Be it in the form of chemicals you consume or from external sources like aerosol spray and chemicals; the liver has to remove it from the body. By limiting your exposure to the toxins that you are exposed to, you can keep your liver healthy.

Avoid alcohol for a healthy liver

The negative effects that alcohol has on the liver are widely known and studied. Alcohol molecules can damage and scar your liver tissue and can lead to a number of health complications. Therefore, it is important to drink in moderation or completely quit alcohol.

Avoid illicit drugs and contaminated needles

Just like alcohol, other drugs can have a very bad effect on your liver. Similarly, using needles that may be contaminated needles can lead to health problems like Hepatitis. The problem of contaminated needles is not just limited to illicit drug use. Unsafe injection practices can occur in hospitals, albeit rarely.

Proper use of medication

Improve use of medication

Medicine today is better than it has ever been. They are powerful in treating diseases and contains compounds that have been researched and developed over the years. But they also have the ability to damage your liver if not taken properly. Too much concentration of certain chemical compounds in the body can damage your liver and cause a number of health effects.

Take supplements for a healthy liver

There is only so much that you can do when it comes to diet and lifestyle. Especially today, when people are more concerned about their careers, leading a healthy life takes a backseat to money. Add to it the fact that produce today have lower nutritional content than in the past; getting all the necessary nutrients from food can be hard. That is why it is important to invest in high-quality health supplements like Nutriplus.

There are many health supplements that can help improve your liver health and overall wellbeing. And one of the best health supplements for a healthy liver is the Nutriplus LivHealth.

Nutriplus LivHealth for a Healthy Liver

Nutriplus LivHealth for a healthy liver

Made from Reishi mushroom, also known as oriental mushroom or Lingzhi mushroom, Nutriplus LivHealth is one of the best liver health supplements out there. Reishi mushroom has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to improve overall health and longevity. Ganoderma lucidum (the scientific name for the oriental mushroom) has a number of health benefits for the blood.

  • Protect liver from toxic damage and inflammation
  • Protects liver from Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Protects liver from nonalcoholic fatty liver and alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Improves recovery from infections like hepatitis B, fibrosis and virus attacks

Nutriplus LivHealth has other health benefits, including

  • Cardiotonic: improves blood circulation, prevents cardiovascular problems and reduces bad cholesterol
  • Hepatoprotective:  acts as an anti-hepatotoxic agent
  • Respiratory system support: strengthens the respiratory system, induces regeneration of the bronchial epidermis. The oriental mushroom has been used in the clinical treatment of common cold, influenza, inflammation, cough and asthma.
  • Nephrological support: Ganoderma lucidum is a diuretic and can be used to treat irregular urination, excessive urination, kidney infections and diseases.

Your liver needs your constant attention and care for a healthy life. Therefore, it is important to start today. So head to the QNET India eStore and get your pack of Nutriplus LivHealth.

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