How QNET helped me in Achieving Financial Independence

Before I joined QNET India, I could not even have thought that I would be able in achieving financial independence or to become my own boss. But since I have become a QNET entrepreneur since 2019, I have always laughed at the fact that I believed financial independence was unachievable. Today, I am able to live life at my own pace, do the things I love and still have money left over to save for the rest of the month. None of this would have been possible without the help of QNET India and the opportunity that is provided. So tell me to tell you about my journey to becoming a QNET entrepreneur and how it helped me become financially independent.

Importance of financial independence


Importance of achieving financial independence

In a simpler sense, financial freedom means having enough cash on hand, financial investments or passive income source that allows you to lead the life you desire for yourself and your family. This allows you to choose a career option of your liking and is not tied down by the financial aspect of it. There are many reasons why financial independence is very important. But to me, the most interesting was that it allowed me to live my life on my own terms. I am my own boss, and I can decide how I spend my days. It gave me the power to choose at what time I have to work, be a better parent as I never had to sacrifice my children’s special occasions due to business meetings and to follow my passions of travelling and writing.

But there are other reasons to strive for financial independence. By becoming financially independent, you can improve your mental and physical health. When there is no boss breathing over your head to meet deadlines and create reports, you can feel the reduction in stress levels and improved mental health. And more importantly, the pandemic induced lockdowns of 2020 has proved that many of us live paycheque to paycheque. Striving to become financially independent allows you to escape the rat race and to live a better life.

How does QNET help in achieving financial independence?

Let’s make one thing very clear. QNET is not a get-rich-quick or an investment. You cannot just join it, pay some money and retire in a month’s time. What it is is a business opportunity. QNET allows its entrepreneurs to become distributors or independent representatives of the company and sell their products to retail customers. As a distributor for the company, you get access to QNET products at much better prices. By selling these products to retail customers, you get BVs that can be used to get payment from the company. BV or Business Volume is used as a unifying currency as QNET has a presence in more than 30 countries over the world. You can get a much better idea about retail profits and BV through this Youtube video below.

Taking QNET direct selling to the next level

There is only so many sales that you can do as an individual. This is where Step commissions come into play. This is what makes network marketing one of the best industries to join if you are looking to make passive income and become financially independent. One of the most important things to remember when it comes to becoming a direct seller is to build a sales team around. By building a sales team, it removes the restrictions of just a person making the sales and exponentially increases the sales potential of the business. And by introducing a new seller to QNET India, you get a part of their sales profits as step commission. And as your sales team grows and the members find new sellers of their own, so does your business and profits.

You can get a much better and more detailed idea about step commission and how it works from this Youtube video below.

The process of step commission is what makes QNET direct selling such a great opportunity for anyone looking to achieve financial independence. With enough time and numbers, it allowed me to turn my small QNET direct selling business into a self-sustaining and profitable second source of income.

Things to keep in mind about achieving financial independence

While achieving financial independence is great, and I highly implore you towards it, there are a few things to keep in mind. Becoming financially independent will allow you to retire early and enjoy it more, but it is not the same thing. Many people who have achieved financial independence have turned to other careers and professions. This is because becoming financially independent has allowed them to choose a career path that is not restricted due to income opportunities. For myself personally, becoming financially independent has allowed me to take up writing.

Another thing to keep in mind when talking about financial independence is that it does not happen overnight. It takes time and effort from your side, as well as sometimes having to cut expenses and live a less extravagant life. Trust me, future, you will thank me for it.

So, do you think you have what it takes to be a successful QNET entrepreneur and to achieve financial independence? Then head to the QNET India home page and start your journey.



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